OneForma by Centific

Translation: HT (Human Translation) and MTPE (Machine Translation Post Editing)



HT and MTPE are two separate translation projects available in a variety of languages and combinations.

Participants will translate general news, blog and social media content, and text extracted from news programs, medical publications, finance and business documents, etc. You will work directly on OneForma’s internal platform online.


The translations will help develop better AI technologies in different languages.

Main requirements:

  • You are a native speaker of one of the languages on the list can translate into the other.
  • You have some previous translation experience or related studies. This will be valued, although it is not mandatory.
  • You have previous experience working with CAT tools. This is not mandatory but will be valued.
  • You have a Translation or Linguistics background, such as a BA or MA.


Other important information: 

  • MTPE and HT are different Translation projects. You can sign up for one or both.
  • It is important to have previous experience.
  • These projects are very flexible, you can set your own schedule.

Click your language below to join now!

Arabic (UAE) – Chinese Simplified Italian (Italy) – English (United Kingdom)
Arabic (UAE) – English (United Kingdom) Italian (Italy) – English (United Kingdom)
Arabic (UAE) – English (US) Italian (Italy) – English (US)
Arabic (UAE) – Spanish (Spain) Italian (Italy) – Spanish (US)
Chinese Simplified – Arabic (UAE) Japanese (Japan) – Spanish (Spain)
Chinese Simplified – French (France) Korean (Korea) – Chinese Traditional (Taiwan)
Chinese Simplified – Russian (Russia) Polish (Poland) – Chinese Simplified
Chinese Simplified – Thai (Thailand) Portuguese (Brazil) – Arabic (UAE)
Chinese Simplified – Vietnamese (Vietnam) Portuguese (Brazil) – Chinese Simplified
Chinese Traditional (Taiwan) – Indonesian (Indonesia) Portuguese (Brazil) – English (United Kingdom)
Dutch (Netherlands) – Arabic (UAE) Portuguese (Brazil) – English (US)
Dutch (Netherlands) – Chinese Simplified Portuguese (Brazil) – Spanish (Spain)
Dutch (Netherlands) – French (France) Russian (Russia) – Arabic (UAE)
Dutch (Netherlands) – Polish (Poland) Russian (Russia) – Chinese Simplified
English (US) – Dutch (Netherlands) Russian (Russia) – French (France)
English (US) – Spanish (Spain) Russian (Russia) – German (Germany)
English (US) – Ukrainian (Ukraine) Russian (Russia) – Italian (Italy)
English (US) -Turkish (Turkey) Russian (Russia) – Turkish (Turkey)
French (France) – Chinese Simplified Spanish (Spain) – Chinese Simplified
French (France) – Chinese Traditional (Taiwan) Spanish (Spain) – English (United Kingdom)
French (France) – English (US) Spanish (Spain) – English (US)
German (Germany)  – Arabic (UAE) Spanish (Spain) – French (France)
German (Germany) – Portuguese (Brazil) Spanish (US) – Portuguese (Brazil)
German (Germany) – Turkish (Turkey) Thai (Thailand) – English (US)
German (Germany) – Ukrainian (Ukraine) Turkish (Turkey) – Arabic (UAE)
Indonesian (Indonesia) – Arabic (UAE) Turkish (Turkey) – English (United Kingdom)
Indonesian (Indonesia) – Chinese Simplified Turkish (Turkey) – English (US)
Indonesian (Indonesia) – Italian (Italy) Turkish (Turkey) – Russian (Russia)
Indonesian (Indonesia) – Portuguese (Brazil) Ukrainian (Ukraine) – English (US)
Indonesian (Indonesia) – Spanish (Spain) Ukrainian (Ukraine) – Polish (Poland)
Italian (Italy) – Chinese Simplified Ukrainian (Ukraine) -German (Germany)


About OneForma

OneForma is part of Centific, a global digital and technology services company. We bring together data, intelligence and experiences to deliver human-centric solutions to complex business challenges.

OneForma and Centific are an equal opportunity employer and will not discriminate against any of our applicants on the grounds of race, gender, religion or cultural background.

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